Autronica product catalogue 2017 by autronica fire. Frequently asked questions autronica fire and security. The usb port is used for downloading data from a usb memory stick. The loop unit can be a detector, a manual call point, a loop sounder or. Go to autro safe autronica fire system autro safe autronica fire system bs310 bs320 bs420, installation commissioning and programming service. From day one, autrosafe has proven its unique stability and reliability in more than 15 000 of. Autronica fire and security fire and gas safety division. In case you intend to bring your own computer, please make sure you purchase and install the required software prior to the training. Installation and commissioning handbook products autronica.
The driver will provide write commands from deltav to autrosafe. Autronica fas engineering, with standards such nfpa, bsi autrosafe programming labview programming language. Autrosafe is our highend fire detection system for large and complex buildings. Installation handbook products autronica fire and security. This message indicates a fault on one of the system components detector, manual call point etcetera. The training course is designed for project, installation, commissioning and service engineers who have a basic understanding of the autroprime and autrosafe 4 fire detection systems, and also fire detection principles and terminology. As2000 loop diagnostics tool service and configuration. All types and series of autrosafe detectors, manual call points, io units and sounders can operate on the same detection loop.
We invented the technology behind modern fire and gas safety years ago. Technology enabled care solutions you may also like. Since the launch in 1999, it has proven its unique stability and reliability in more than 15 000 installations worldwide, from hotels to cruise ships to drilling platforms. The parameter settings for port 1 autrosafe and port 2 plc are. Autrosafe selfverify monitors each detector and manual call point every day.
The system downloads information from all units connected to the loop and presents the gathered information onscreen. Installers guide products autronica fire and security. Installation handbook, autrosafe interactive fire detection system. Autronica software may be acquired from your autronica sales contact, and will not be distributed during the training courses. As2000 is a pcbased installation and service tool, irreplaceable when installing or maintaining loops. Autrosafe 4 ifg advanced operatorconfiguration certification postponed. Autrosafe configuration tool latest version as2000 loop diagnostics tool latest version autrosense. Uploading of configuration data or system software to the entire system can be done from one single point. At autronica, we offer innovative and reliable technology that creates independence and choice for the individual and offers peace of mind to carers. Autrosafe fire detection system from autronica for maritime and. Selfverify solves all issues of manual maintenance, leaving time consuming and costly physical testing redundant. Autronica fire and security industry leading fire and.
The handbook is intended to be used by autronica fire and security service and technical personnel who are responsible for the installation and verification of detection loops. Autrosafe is a distributed, interactive fire detection. Autronica fire and security as, maritime division products 2017. Please contact autronica for instructions on how to flash the panel. Type of the network card, if the computer is to be connected to a network or autrosafe. Knowledge regarding programming the voice alarm system. Autrosafe 4 fire detection system fire and gas detection. The autrosafe interactive fire detection system is managed through a single point of operation for the download of configuration data or program upgrades. Autronica fire and security launched autrosafe, our highend fire detection system, in.
In the mid nineties, autronica fire and security as was approached by oil. Autrosafe 4 provides advanced functionality within fire detection for a wide range of applications. View online or download autronica bs320 operators handbook manual, installation handbook. This ensures a faster and safer method to change or upgrade the system program, using the panel network autronet or a usb memory stick. Commissioning handbook products autronica fire and security. From hotels to cruise ships to drilling platforms, autrosafe 4 delivers the most rigorous fire safety yet. Autrosafe fire safety system programmable serial interface card. Autronica fire and security launched autrosafe, our highend fire detection system, in 1999. Autronica is a leading innovator, manufacturer and supplier of fire and gas safety equipment and marine safety monitoring and surveillance equipment.
Autronica built to deliver a higher degree of safety. Autronica fire and security as protecting life, environment and property. System design and engineering products autronica fire and. System description, autromaster isems integrated safety and emergency management system, 116pamastersystemxgb, rev. Autrosafe from autronica fire and security is the interactive fire detection system of choice for large and complex maritime and offshore installations. All loop units have a shortcircuit isolatorno need for extra loop units loops are powered from both sides ensuring redundant loop.
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